Sunday was also my niece Aggie's 8th birthday! Kids really know how to hint...I got her a skateboard and so did her parents:-) She decided to keep both because the one I got her is a "stunt" board and the other one is a regular board - ok, as long as she knows what to do with the darn things, I'm good with it!
Halfway through the day, nephew Adrian says "look at the rainbow!" and I dismiss him because it hadn't rained so why the hell would there be a rainbow? And besides, I was in a food-coma and had my lawn chair in the perfect spot with half my body in the sun and the other in the shade. No way, Jose, I ain't gettin' up for nothing! But as with all little boys, this one wasn't giving up and I begrudgingly get up and of course, I'm looking west to east and I don't see a rainbow. Darn these kids...then he says, "no, up there!" Sure enough, I look straight up and before I am blinded I see an amazing rainbow that is in a perfect circle. The paparazzi in me heads for the house, grabs my camera thinking, "I could be witnessing some great event and here I am doubting a 4-yr old!"

I actually tried to take a picture of the rainbow with my Fuji FinePix s10000fd and could not take a decent picture (ok so if I bothered to read the manual maybe I could have found a way to take this blinding picture) so I decided to take video instead and then just broke down the video into a bunch of frames and this was the first frame. Like any self respecting research freak would do, I went online to find out what this thing was and tons of websites indicate that a full-circle rainbow is nearly impossible to view because the only way to see a full circle of a rainbow in the sky is to be above the raindrops and have the sun behind you. You would have to look down on the drops from an airplane. So considering I was not in an airplane, this is the coolest thing I've seen from the ground!
Wow! What an amazing sight! And what an amazing mind to break your video down into a still you can share with all of us! Thanks Janette!
It was awesome! I have never witnessed anything like this - it was breathtaking...and here I was doubting my nephew! I am just glad he was insistent enough or I would never have had the chance to see a full circle rainbow:-)
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