Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Jane & Ian!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Today is a special day for both my mother (54) my youngest brother (23) so here's to wishing them a fabulous day and good health so that we can celebrate many many more special days! Moms is at home today probably missing her last born who is on holiday in Aussie (would want to know what kind of stuff he's getting into over there!)  My moms had Ian when she was 31 years old and that was her last and fourth child...I'm older than that and cannot imagine having ONE child at my age.  Truth be told I already think that having Jonathan and Joi as enough to deal with:-)  If I had 4 kids I would go absolutely nutters!  So, let's give it up for our parents generation that had kids at a young age and still managed to enjoy their life!

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